From the NYC digital submissions: Rebecca Brandt

Can’t get out to the water this weekend? Consider popping on Rebecca Brandt‘s immersive new single, ‘Staying Silent.’ Should be all you need to push yourself into the deep end. 

Molded in the style of fellow femme composers like Juliana Barwick and Zola Jesus, Rebecca’s latest record ‘Numbers & Shapes’ is a colorful tapestry of sound collage every bit as epic as much of the film scores she’s composed over the past several years. Not for the faint of heart, tracks like the hard-hitting ‘Run’ and ‘The Clock Breaks at Three’ should give you an idea of what to expect from time spent with this runaway personality. 

Sream the new record on her bandcamp and please leave her a message telling her she needs to play live soon! – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)