From the NYC digital submissions: Hungry Hands

Hungry Hands sounds like they’re probably nice guys, but of course you never know. It seems they’ve been going through a lot of changes lately. For most of their latest record ‘Plumb, Restless,’ singer JJ Byars negotiates all the oddities that come with suddenly finding you’re an adult. From opener ‘Second Guessing’ (streaming below), to mysterious closer ‘Little One,’ this is a band in awe of how existence evolves, and what it might mean. With the lilting harmonies of Local Natives and Dismemberment Plan’s narrative of life’s various frustrations, Hungry Hands displays an often difficult unease that follows most life changes. But in epic jams like ‘Grape,’ their intelligence and lush soundscapes make the changes all the more palatable. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)This band submitted their music for review here