Friends of Noise hosts music for everyone!

 *pictured: the Woolen Men, taken by Dino Matt

Advocates of all-age safe spaces and music venues, local organization Friends of Noise is doing yet another bit of good to bring music to community… for free. 

From 4pm-8-pm today, Friends of Noise is hosting their "Music For Everyone Day" at Portland City Hall. This is the nonprofit’s second attempt at throwing this event, since the initial date had to be rescheduled due to poor air quality caused by the wildfires surrounding the city. Nevertheless, FoN have forged on to bring a wide range of artists to those around the downtown Portland area today.

Young artists are strongly supported by FoN and a couple of them will be taking the stage, like Daniel “D.J. Max” Lasuncet and 15-year-old singer/songwriter JoJo Scott. My Voice Music project BLK + IVY will also perform, along with poet Maurisa Destiny Golden and some of the bigger Portland names. Skull Diver‘s alternative psych rock is sure to make everyone swoon, while the raw energy of the Woolen Men should perfectly juxtapose the gloominess of today. 

Other youth-oriented organizations and programs were also a part of making this event possible, such as My Voice Music, Outside the Frame, Marrow PDX, Momentum Alliance, SMRYC, the Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls and the Bus Project. It should be noted that water and restrooms are available inside Portland City Hall, but that patrons will have to undergo a back check upon entry. 

If you’re looking for something free, fun and inclusive of all-ages and people, Music For Everyone Day is definitely something worth checking out.