Deaf Poets release raw & riotous EP at Alphaville 10.27

New York City band Deaf Poets recently released a new addition to their discography with new EP Change and Bloom. The new collection may contain less material than their previous full-length records, but it certainly does not make less of an impact. Building on their core sound of heavy, distorted guitars, the tracks hit with a wall of dialed-up noise that blends classic rock and 60s psych influences with a modern, hard hitting twist. Their sound leans on their raucous drums and vocals, forging a style that is carefully produced but executed with grungy, carefree aggression. Do not, however, mistake this group’s recklessness with thoughtlessness. After their relocation from Miami back to their NYC roots, their need to produce a new path for themselves carried enlightened ideas of progression and self-discovery into their latest work.  Tracks like “Change and Bloom” and “Cigarette” give a look into this band’s continual development, and a listen into the inner torment of feeling displaced and confined – but for these guys, there’s no better therapy than getting on stage and causing a sonic riot.  If that’s up your alley, check out Deaf Poets’ release show at Brooklyn’s Alphaville on 10.27. –Rebecca Carroll