Daniprobably blooms in new record “Conditional Things,” plays Cafe Nine 12.09

Exquisitely alternative is the rich mash of confidently-strummed electric guitar chords, sharp snare snaps, and bubble-gum pop vocals that make up the music of daniprobably. The Connecticut-based singer-songwriter’s latest effort, Conditional Things, sets the tone early with Dani’s vocals becoming instantly familiar to the listener in such a way they will likely never be mistaken for someone else’s. It is, in fact, that familiarity in “Blooming,” the opening track, that allows the listener to immerse in the atmospheric song that slowly swells until it bursts to reveal the fierce and fast indie-pop signature track “Run to You.” Where compositions like “Sweeter Than the Truth” move delicately with brilliant acoustic strings resonating and harmonies lingering, other songs such as “ICU” strut confidently along with their plump basslines, cheeky electric guitar riffs, and dope breakdowns. Recorded, mixed, and produced by Addy Edward, Conditional Things captures an artist not just on the rise but more like in full bloom: her style and sound already unmistakable. For those wishing to catch daniprobably live, the opportunity beckons December 9th at Connecticut’s famous Cafe Nine. We are streaming the engaging “Critic’s Favorite,” our favorite track from the new record, below. – Rene Cobar, photo by Kaitlin Anne