Cay Is Okay’s Welcoming Sound

There are a lot of details and nuances in Cay is Okay’s music, but one thing that stands out is how comfortable the music makes you feel. This is especially true in their latest release, Lo-Fi. Listening to each song feels like slipping on your favorite old sweater. The album has a quiet, worn-in quality, which makes it all the more tender. Even the more upbeat, rascally songs such as “Call Out” feel friendly and inviting. Part of this is due to the softer D.I.Y nature of the music; the album is named Lo-Fi for a reason. It feels as if you’re hanging out with the band in their garage while they’re practicing. The other aspect is how clean the album is, the result of the member’s talent and chemistry. Listening is smooth and easy because the music flows as effortlessly as water.

Cay Is Okay is playing a show this Thursday at The Fixin To with Havania Whaal and Stanford Prism Experiment.

 -By Avril Carrillo