Catch One of the Last Great 2015 Austin Indie Releases- Darkbird’s “I Remember Feeling My Fingers Slip”

So there you are, sitting around in your bathrobe, feeling like a lost dog, thumbing through NYE photos and wondering, “What the hell happened to 2015?” Well, that shit’s gone. Time to deal with it and accept that we’ve seen the last of that year…at least, that is, for the most part.

It just so happens that one fine thing that emerged at the tail end of last year was a fantastic EP release from the folks of the band Darkbird, one of our co-winners for December’s Artist of the Month Poll. Darkbird released their first EP early December 2015 entitled “I Remember Feeling My Fingers Slip,” and with the alluring voice of front woman Kelly Barnes, and the dark tantalizing sound from guitarist Brian Cole, a listen or two to this new moody record from one of Austin’s best emerging indie rock bands is definitely something to pencil in your 2016 schedule.

You can also catch their next show January 3rd (tomorrow, for those reading this at posting) at The Sidewinder- a free show as part of our city’s very badass “Free Week”. If you can’t catch that show, don’t worry; they have a very busy schedule for free week and are playing multiple shows, so go and check out their Facebook page to see which one of their next shows you can attend. While you’re at it, how about throw them a like so you can keep up and support another great local Austin band, and one that you (that being our dear readers) have voted into glory and fame (or something like that) on this very site.