Bondage & Discipline Play Inaugural Show at Kung Fu Necktie Tonight

It came as a shock to many when supercharged, electronically-infused punk band The National Rifle announced that they were disbanding and starting a new project in late 2013. But the bands remaining members Hugh Morretta, Lynna Stancato, and Buddy Mazzenga used their downtime to create a bold new project, Bondage & Discipline, that relies more heavily on the electronic beats and female vocals that they utilized so well as The National Rifle.
If the debut track "Only Your Love" is any indication, they don’t steer too far from the melodic, stomping-good tracks of old. Tonight’s debut performance will be a good preview of even more of the tracks that they recorded at Cambridge Sound for a forthcoming album. It will also be a show that nearly marks the 5th anniversary of Revolution I Love You’s first show. It will be a good time to celebrate with the band that has been doing big things since releasing their latest EP Atlantic Ocean.  The lineup will be rounded out by Sandcastle.  Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St, 7PM, $5 21+ – Bill McThrill