Avan Lava releases “Make It Real” EP + plays Bowery on 04.03

In a musical landscape where electronic pop seem to have become a bedroom hobby that rarely translates live, Brooklyn’s Avan Lava stands out as the exception that confirms the rule. The trio of Ian Pai, Le Chev and TC Milan expands on stage to include several frantic musicians and a noteworthy light show, pulled off in a remarkable DIY fashion. Musically, rather than wooing the old guard of Brooklyn hipsters, the band seem to "pursue" the new wave of party goers that’s been pricing them out of Williamsburg: if you prefer upbeat fun and catchy melodies to moody experimentation, this is the Brooklyn band for you. Avan Lava is releasing their new EP "Make it Real" today and will celebrate it with a show at Bowery Ballroom on April 4th. Check out single "Leave it All Behind," streaming below.