Artists on Trial: Shadow Paint

Though you may not be terribly familiar with them, Shadow Paint has been around Kansas City for the past year. Since vocalist Angela Schroder-Dill moved to Boston last summer, the rest of the band has played as Rooms Without Windows, but will reunite to play at this year’s Middle of the Map Fest. We talk with the band about its plans and its upcoming performance.
The Deli: Down and dirty: 1 sentence to describe your music. What is it?

Shadow Paint: For those who follow the life philosophy of “Game On.”
The Deli: What other artists are you looking forward to seeing at MotM?
The Deli: Tell us a little about Shadow Paint and the projects you are all in now.
Shadow Paint: We started in January 2012. We last played October 27 at a loft in Kansas City. Corey, Hanna, Chris B, and Chris T are in local band Rooms Without Windows and Angela moved to Boston and has joined an electronic project called Citrusphere. Angela and Corey have partnered up for LowGrumbles, sending tracks back and forth via email.
The Deli: Let’s talk about something you have coming up this year. What can we expect?
Shadow Paint: We have two songs available to download for free on our Soundcloud. With our members being split between Boston and KC, we don’t currently have any other shows lined up, but this is NOT the last of Shadow Paint!!! To hold you over, check out our other projects!
The Deli: What does supporting local music mean to you?

Shadow Paint: Going to local shows and dancing your heart out. Having a good time with the talented people in your community.
The Deli: Who are your favorite local musicians right now?

Shadow Paint: Hard to say, too many favorites, but one newish band we’re loving right now is Is Paris Burning.
The Deli: Who are your favorite not-so-local musicians right now?

Shadow Paint: Again, too many favorites, but if we had to name some: Wild Nothing, Cloud Nothings, The XX.
The Deli: What is your ultimate fantasy concert bill to play on?

Shadow Paint: Björk, Paul McCartney, Radiohead, Joy Division, and David Bowie.
The Deli: Would you rather spend the rest of your life on stage or in the recording studio?
Shadow Paint: On stage.
The Deli: A music-themed Mount Rushmore. What four faces are you putting up there and why?
Shadow Paint: All four members of the Beatles, because their music continues to amaze and inspire.

The Deli: All right, give us the rundown. Where all on this big crazy web can you be found?

The Deli: Always go out on a high note. Any last words of wisdom for the Deli audience?

Shadow Paint: Just keep on laughing, loving, and living, and you’ll be okay.
Shadow Paint is:
Chris Brower – drums
Angela Schroder-Dill – vocals
Hanna Smith – keys, vocals
Chris Turner – bass
Corey Vitt – guitar
Check out Shadow Paint at Middle of the Map Fest next Thursday, April 4. They will be playing that evening at 7:00 pm.

–Michelle Bacon