Artist to Watch: Justine Lucas

San Francisco based minimalist avant singer songwriter, Justine Lucas has touched our hearts with her recordings of smooth rhythmic guitar melodies, and softly haunting atmospheric backdrops of birds singing, and natural sounds bellowing under her beautiful voice. She released an album last year entitled, Hologram Lagoon, and you can check it out in its entirety via Bandcamp.

Justine will be performing live this weekend on July 5th at the Vortex Room to celebrate, fellow musician and songwriter, Mark Nelsen’s album release. You may recognize Lucas from her work in The Jaunting Martyrs. Her solo music is a lot sweeter and calming, but her talent translates through every project she works and sings on.

We at The Deli think you should listen to her music, buy her album, and see her play live. Not everything has to be in your face to be relevant and awesome. Sometimes a subtle touch is all you need when it comes to good music. -je