Artist of the Year Interview: Löwin

After a month of intense deliberation, polling and exactly 500 million emails sent on the subject, The Deli Austin announced our Emerging Artist of the Year a few weeks ago. This year’s edition is Löwin, a rising rock act that just about ran away with the whole contest. We had a chat with the newly crowned Artists of the Year for 2014, and that’s what we’ve got for you to get yer eyes on today:

Löwin is The Deli Austin’s 2014 Artist of the Year. Our jurors and readers handily voted you into the winner’s spot, how do you guys feel about that?

S: It feels pretty awesome considering we didn’t even have a record out in 2014! To me that just means we won people over with our live show which is a wonderful feeling for a band…especially one as new as we are.

C: Yeah, the response at our shows has been great every time we play out, and when people are into you it just makes you want to perform that much harder for them.

N: Feels great, there were a lot of awesome bands in the poll.

K: Very awesome. Its a great feeling knowing the shows are making noise and it just makes the EP release that much more exciting.

[Click here for the full interview!]