Alt-rockers Sons Of Our Fathers play The Cobra 05.17 in tribute to Weezer

Alt-rock group Sons Of Our Fathers splashed into the Nashville scene last September with their single "Harness", and they’ve kept themselves busy around the city since. On May 17th at The Cobra, the band will lend their heavy sound to pay tribute to the music of Weezer; you’ll have to attend to see how lead vocalist Rodney Noffsinger channels his inner Rivers Cuomo. The event, which marks the 25th anniversary of Weezer’s Blue Album, also features local bands like Dad Hats, Pretty Ravens, and Ghost Town Remedy; call your friend Jonas, get out your Buddy Holly glasses, and wear your favorite sweater, and go see these bands at The Cobra on May 17th. Until then, take a listen to "Harness" below. – Will Sisskind