Album Stream: Hunter Ellis, ‘The Healing Power of Laughter’

Recognizing that the world is not flat, Hunter Ellis and his gang of musical cohorts utilize modern rock instrumentation to set sail in search of new worlds and broader horizons. His 12 song LP, ‘The Healing Power of Laughter,’ is packed with dark and stormy instrumental post-rock tunes that never dull your senses. The avant-garde rhythmic patterns lay the foundation for experimental melodies, incorporating strings and brass instruments in an almost synth-like manner. The album is densely textured, requiring several uninterrupted playbacks to parse out each intricate layer and movement. It’s worth the investment, as each track unfolds like the next page in a book of short stories. The entire album is available for streaming on bandcamp, but is worth more than the $7 asking price for the hard copy including stunning artwork by Asher Katz. – Jacqueline Caruso