A May Day with Yardsss

After a day spent rallying through the streets and partaking in what may be a contentious string of May Day events, march on over to the Know for some harsh sounds provided by Self Group.

What’s particularly intriguing about this show is the debut of the reformation of Yardsss (∅∀‡). What started as avant experiments with noise and multiimedia installations by Krist Krueger has now expanded to include Robin Levy and Paul Schaefer. Symbology wise, the characters break down as: ∅ – Krist Krueger, ∀ – Paul Schaefer, ‡ – Robin Levy.

Some of what Krueger created prior to the addition of Levy and Schaefer was inspired by the avant-garde composer John Cage, so seeing what the new trio can do live will be transcendentally intriguing.

Experience some visuals by Colin Manning, some alt-prog from Polygris and slightly folky doom rock from duo Glacial Fall. Tickets are only $8 and all proceeds are being donated to the ACLU.