A Deli Premiere: “Sunny Somewhere” video by Al Harper, to play the Knockout (8.8)

Al Harper doesn’t take herself too seriously in the video for “Sunny Somewhere” — a saccharine ballad that juxtaposes the feeling of knowing “it’s sunny somewhere” with the realization that somewhere isn’t necessarily here. While the track on its own has the potential to lean negative (“I feel like I am running out of time / and I just realized this party isn’t mind / what if I never end up with everything I want,”) the video — filled with cameos of Harper’s friends, jello shots, and karaoke — adds a certain lighthearted flair that highlights the full potential of Al Harper’s music. "I thought that since it’s essentially about finding your bliss, we should just put a bunch of things in it that make me feel good,” said Harper, who will be playing her next show on August 8 at the Knockout. – Lilly Milman, photo by Kelsey McClellan

Stream an exclusive premiere of the video, directed by John Snapp, below. (And watch out for the "Semi-Charmed Life" reference.)