
The Footlight District @ Chop Shop (8/18)

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Last year The Footlight District released their self-titled debut album filled with blues drenched garage rock. This is a family band consisting of Sarah, Gracie, Faith, Hannah & Cecil Scarbrough. The band has a raw and honest approach both in sound and lyrics that is compelling and endearing. They have been touring around the midwest consistently and are hopefully working on some new music.

You can catch The Footlight District at Chop Shop on August 18th with Little Boy Jr., The Punch, and Los Black Dogs.


New Track: “Brown Boots” – La Palma

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The pairing of Chris Walker & Tim Gibbon, otherwise known as La Palma, recently shared a series of singles that make up their self-titled debut album. “Brown Boots” crosses classical guitar, a whistle in the distance, and a walking bass, creating a cinematic western setting. The air of mystery gradually transitions to a warmer island vibe, as the dusty ruffling morphs into a breeze off the ocean water. While one’s suspicions may be relieved, there’s still something beguiling at play.



Will Pellerin releases “Ain’t Got The Heart”; plays the Basement with Charli Adams 8.13

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 What did I say about male songwriters having a moment? Will Pellerin, who was the Deli’s artist of the month back in June, released a single called "Ain’t Got The Heart" back in June that demonstrates excellent storytelling, emotional complexity and humility. If you’re looking to be shattered into pieces by a song, this is the one for you: "I’m not asking if you’re coming back/ ain’t got the heart for that," he sings, with a strange blend of fearlessness and sorrow that is simply painful. In a good way. Like, you won’t be able to stop listening. Pellerin plays the Basement with another one of our favorite Nashville songwriters, Charli Adams, on 8.13. –Geena Kloeppel



Saint Nomad releases new single “River” from upcoming LP

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 Saint Nomad may be Nashville-based, but, by-and-large, the band is international. Nikita, Ruslan, and Yan Odnoralov were born in Russia but raised in the US, which perhaps helps to explain the incredibly unique and complex set of electronic textures incorporated in the new singles from their upcoming LP Memento Mori. There is a rigidity in rhythm and tempo, but a playfulness in arrangement and vocals. "River" is pop, yet somehow not quite. There is a chorus hook to sing along to, yet I almost felt like a spectator throughout the song, watching three great musicians do their thing, thought without being invited in to participate. This listening experience was much different than with most bands, and to be quite honest, I loved it. Saint Nomad could play may me anything, and I’d be glad to just sit back and take it in. –Geena Kloeppel



T-Rextasy play heartwarming and snarling punk at Elsewhere on 08.30

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T-Rextasy’s brand of pop-punk has always slanted toward the pop end of the spectrum, driving home affecting and candy-coated hooks that always have a fierce bite. But just below the surface of the political lampooning on many of their songs are moments of emotional poignancy and surprising sentimentality. And with their newest single “Girl, Friend”, the band have continued to hit that sweet spot between charming, quaint and moving. Streaking guitars and up-tempo drums set the scene for a ballad about charting the unexplored territory of determining a potential partner’s sexuality. While the call and response between Lyris Faron and the faux valley girl of the song’s story can be humorous, it’s the earnest delivery of lines like “Just be my friend, be my girl, friend” cut to the heart of this song’s driving theme: a desire for real connection with another person in a world full of uncertainties. T-Rextasy’s style of punk is vital for the current age and live show at Elsewhere on August 30 is a must-see. You can stream “Girl, Friend” below. –Tucker Pennington



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Blaqrock released the first single, “Shutter Speed”, from their debut album "No Love for Blaqkid” (out August 5th) last month. Blaqrock merges the world of rap and rock in a way that hasn’t really been done before. This is not the Judgement Night Soundtrack, and not Limp Bizkit. This is the original collaboration of Gardner Mcfadden III (Vocals), Daniel Delgado (Drums), Myles Bacon (Guitar) and Mike Ewers (Bass Guitar).

You can help Blaqrock celebrate the release of the album on August 19th at Reggie’s as part of the Summer Scorcher Event with The Aviators, STRLING and more.


Weekend Warrior, August 3 – 5

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Transforming anxious energy into an uplifting release of emotion, Slow Buzz, the latest album from Remember Sports (Father/Daughter Records), makes you evaluate and take stock of your current situation. Ruminating over the ups and downs and then racing ahead as the freedom of openness provides a sense of relief and a reinvigorating, fresh-start approach. A charm in the directness of the storytelling and that catapulting force of the instrumentation makes these songs’ fiery fragility hit home. On Saturday evening, the playfully bizarre, psych-pop exploits of Michael Stasis and Sam Buck’s confidently, vulnerable, country style will lead the way. – Michael Colavita

Other places to catch a buzz this weekend…

Johnny Brenda’s  (1201 N. Frankford Ave.) FRI Tiedye Ky, SAT Remember Sports 

Boot & Saddle (1131 S. Broad St.) FRI Stereo League (Record Release Show)

Kung Fu Necktie (1250 N. Front St.) FRI Rexedog/DJ Deejay, SAT DJ Magglezzz, Baby Berlin, SUN AyBe, Cruzko, B. Aquarius, NickyBeFree, MaJa Earth

PhilaMOCA (531 N. 12th St.) SUN Jeff Zeigler

Underground Arts (1200 Callowhill St.) FRI Johnny Popcorn, Ill Fated Natives, Mars Parker, SAT Born To Lose: Motörhead Tribute, System of a TOOL, Vicarious – A Tribute To Tool, Orion, SUN School Of Rock

Union Transfer (1026 Spring Garden St,) SUN School Of Rock All Stars

The Trocadero (1003 Arch St.)SAT Scott C (Album Release)

TLA (334 South St.) SAT Box of Rain

World Café Live (3025 Walnut St.) FRI (Upstairs) John Vettese/Conjunto/(Downstairs) Karen Vaughn, Paris Nicole, SAT (Upstairs) The Peace Creeps, The SB Deluxe

The Fire (412 W. Girard Ave.) FRI 81 Rich, Lucid By Midnight, Breaklite, SUN Dick Vomit 

MilkBoy Philly (1100 Chestnut St.) FRI Hannah Taylor and the Rekardo Lee Trio

Ortlieb’s Lounge (847 N. 3rd St.) FRI Sold, SAT Something Like A Monument, SUN Pete Hill, AfroBear

The Barbary (951 Frankford Ave.) SAT The Rectors, Gringo Motel / Darla

Silk City (435 Spring Garden St.) FRI DJ Dav, Reed Streets, SAT DJ Deejay

Fergie’s (1214 Sansom St.) SUN Rusty Cadillac 

Connie’s Ric Rac (1132 S. 9th St.) FRI Nick Cianci, Sonja Sofya, SAT Decontrol (Record Release), Disoriental, The Prisoners, Gibbous Moon

Voltage Lounge (421 N. 7th St.) FRI Crash Course in Science, Nightwitch, Dj Strykk9, Shari Vari (DJ Set), SUN

Bourbon & Branch (705 N. 2nd St.) FRI Miss Fareira, SAT 30 And Over League

Morgan’s Pier (221 N. Columbus Blvd.) FRI DJ Beatstreet, SUN Brian McConnell

Frankie Bradley’s (1320 Chancellor St.) FRI DJ Chris Urban, SAT DJ Ed Christof, SUN Honeygasm

The Grape Room (105 Grape St.) FRI The Aesthetic, The 1940’s, Steady State

Ardmore Music Hall (23 E. Lancaster Ave.) FRI Splintered Sunlight, SAT Breakwater, Urban Guerilla Orchestra

Everybody Hits (529 W. Girard Ave.) SAT  Dear Althea, Creem Circus, St. James & the Apostles

The Pharmacy (1300 S. 18th St.) SAT The Boardwalk Kings, SUN Alex Noelle

The Tusk (430 South St.) FRI Hollow Harbor, Famous & Fallen

Tralfamadore (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more info.) SAT Baby Boomer Dreamer, Uncle Valentine, Too Dogs

Planet Phitness (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more info.) FRI Harmony Woods

Tundra Dome (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more info.) SUN Telyscopes, Fairy Godmother

Goo Lagoon (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more information.)

The Catamaran (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more info.) SUN Cave People, Who Loves You

2nd St. Festival (2nd St. between Spring Garden St. & Germantown Ave.) SUN Music Schedule


New Free Cake For Every Creature LP Available for Streaming & Purchase

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Free Cake For Every Creature‘s new LP The Bluest Star is out now via Double Double Whammy. Singer-songwriter Katie Bennett returned to the comfort of her home, after her first proper studio release, Talking Quietly Of Anything With You, allowing the latest batch of songs and recordings to organically evolve. With touring bandmates Heeyoon Won and Francis Lyons, along with a array of local music pals, Bennett beautifully captures her thoughts and experiences, as she learns to work through the mundane, day-to-day hustle of adulthood, while still remaining self-motivated and inspired. You can take in all these feels at Free Cake For Every Creature’s record release show tonight at Everybody Hits, with Brooklyn’s Told Slant, Friendship, and Slow Ref.


Samuel Campoli’s brings inventive brand of folk to Elsewhere on 08.28

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Folk music as of late has gotten the reputation of being intertwined with indie rock, relying on quirky personalities or opulent production that makes it easy to place each artist in identifiable boxes. Characters like Joanna Newsom and Sufjan Stevens have changed what folk means in the 21st century. Then there are artists like Samuel Campoli, who don’t easily fit into the standard of modern indie folk. His voice is low key, but his singing never feels phoned in. The production in his latest release Claverack EP isn’t especially lo-fi, but there are moments where the fuzz gently overtakes the instruments that shifts the momentum and emotion of the track. The arrangements are rather simple, with songs like opener “Caroline” and the interlude “Didit” able to generate woeful moments of longing. These six compositions that comprise this release feel like they could be somewhat standard songs under anyone else’s execution, yet it’s Campoli’s ability to smear his colorful creations into shadowy creatures that feel at once homey and close to the unknown that makes Claverack EP a welcoming excursion away from folk music’s new traditions. You can stream the EP below and catch Campoli live at Elsewhere on August 28. –Tucker Pennington


New Borzoi Boy EP Available for Streaming & Download

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Alexandra Gordon, a.k.a. Borzoi Boy, shared a new batch of songs, packaged as the EP, Good Happy. Synth/keys delicately guide these daydreaming, honest tales. Hope and fascination are ever-present in these reflective and inquisitively-voiced compositions. An ability to articulate the personal, emotive elements of the narrative and simultaneously evaluate from the outside looking in grabs and holds ones attention.


Campdogzz “Southern”

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Campdogzz have released a third single, “Southern”, from their new album In Rounds which is out today via 15 Passenger. This is gritty indie rock of Mike Russell, Jess Price, Nicholas Enderle , Andrew Rolfsen, and Matt Evert. On “Southern” the power of Jess’ vocals really shines through creating the perfect breezy end of summer song.

You can catch Campdogzz at Hungry Brain tomorrow night, August 4th, with Wet Mouth.