Weekly Special #181a: Glad Hearts

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The idea that our world is the result of musical vibrations and clang phenomena is an old one – fortunately, there are bands like Glad Hearts that, through their musical sense and  harmonious interplay, remind us of this philosophical intuition. While listening to this New Jersey based four piece it may easily happen that you find yourself in another world where bells are broken or – to quote the band’s lyrics – “a needle melts wax”. Although at times melancholic and thought-provoking, Glad Hearts, as their name suggests, succeed in bringing forth the joy and naturalness inherent in music, shining with a uniquely diverse and dense sound derived from a huge instrumental assortment that brings the fantastic into the everyday. Their country-tinged indie folk rock album “The Oak and the Acorn” is a promising and multifaceted output – you’re in for a treat! – Read Susi Muhr interview with the band here.


Outernational CD release party at Highline on 12.06

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New York based outfit Outernational is readying the release of their debut EP "Eyes On Fire,” produced by Rage Against The Machine’s Tom Morello, who is featured on vocals and guitar on “Fighting Song.” Rock at heart, Outernational reaches out to reggae, ska, punk, dub, polka, mariachi, hip-hop, and world music, much as their forward-thinking predecessors and audacious idols. Outspoken and loud, this rock quintet  will be celebrating the release of “Eyes On Fire” with an all-ages concert at The Highline Ballroom on Sunday, December 6, 2009 with supporters Japanther and R-Tronika. The doors open a-t 6PM, and tickets are $12 in advance with a free download of the six-song EP on their website, or $15 on the day of the show. – Meijin Bruttomesso


Broomstick Rock Star

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Travis Lee Wiggins continues to impress me not just by how prolific his but with the quality of his music. It was just a couple months ago that we were talking about the massive Essex Chanel love song collection, but now I have the latest effort from The Salts (formerly The Summer Salts) on my desk. Formed in 2006, The Salts are a trio fronted by Wiggins, but also include Mike Rice and Luke Krause on guitar and drums. Broomstick Rock Star will be released on December 22nd, and finds Wiggins presenting a more aggressive indie rock set. Tracks like “Go There” (mp3) and the title track and so many others have addictive poppy hooks, and Rice adds playful and nostalgic guitar riffs through out. There is also a heavy dose of pleasant dance rock on this album. This is a fine addition to the massive catalog that Wiggins is creating.


Concert Preview: Kid Sister @ the House of Blues

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Chicagoans, you know you’ve heard of Kid Sister aka Melissa Young. She’s been burning up since her performance at Lollapalooza in 2008, and between being the protege of Kanye West and being backed by her little brother’s band Flosstradamus she’s only getting hotter. Before that she was on public aid and working two jobs just to make ends meet. Now, her debut album Ultraviolet just came out to great aplomb and she’s one of the big success stories of 2009. If there’s anyone who represents a true Chicago story, it’s Kid Sister.

The much anticipated Ultraviolet, released November 17th on Downtown Records, is everything that could have been expected from Ms. Young. But with people like Kanye West, Estelle, Cee-Lo, and A-Trak helping you along the way, how could it not? Kid Sister shows her diverse style on Ultraviolet and displays her capability of being a sultry songstress to a raucous rhyme-spitting snake in twelve tracks. Following suit of Young’s first single "Pro-Nails", the material on Ultraviolet is like one big dance party with the beats provided by Josh Young (who also provides backing vocals for his older sis) and Curt Cameruci creating a strong back bone to Kid Sister’s lyrics.

Kid Sister is playing at the House of Blues Wednesday, November 25th with Flosstradamus and with Rob Threezy and Green Velvet supporting. The show starts at 6:30 pm and is all ages. Tickets are $16 in advance and $18 at the door. Nothing like a big dance party to work up an appetite for Thanksgiving. — Amy Dittmeier


Funeral Singers

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As you know Califone will be releasing a film early next year called All My Friends Are Funeral Singers and recently released the soundtrack for the film via Dead Oceans. A few months ago we brought you the trailer for the film, and now here is the music video for the song “Funeral Singers” which also features footage from the film.


Obits play NYE party at The Bell House

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This video from Obits is a lot of fun. The only thing we wonder is… was it really necessary to get each band member to sing the song with the head upside down? Wouldn’t have it been easier to turn the camera upside down? If you are planning on having a true Rock’n’Roll New Year’s Eve Party this year, Obits will play at the The Bell Hourse on 12.31.


NYC artists on the rise: Diehard

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Diehard is a super catchy, no-fuss 4 person guitar pop band reminiscent of the indie rock darlings of the late ’90s. They may have the same name as that hit Bruce Willis film, but their music is better suited for all those great high school teen flicks that contributed to forging many into hipsters (think "10 Things I Hate About You"). Diehard’s vibrant electric guitar wall of sound and their strong melodies reveal the band’s obsession for artists like Dinosaur JR and Pavement – something we definitely share with them. The characteristic fragile vocal style is recreated here with a delicate harmonizing of male and female voices – the beauty of their melodies perfectly balanced by the "beastie" power trio sound. Look forward to their 5 song EP, "Oh So Premier", set to be released in January of 2010. By the way, there’s a song called "Back to the Future IV"! How can you not be excited?


Yellow Fever In the Morning

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Jennifer Moore

New self-titled upcoming from Yellow Fever, featuring some Beat Happening/Daniel Johnston/Richard Pettibon style artwork and songs that go a little like this. Actually, they go exactly like that. Yellow Fever is comprised most frequently of Jennifer Moore and Adam Jones, although they sometimes increase in number. Yellow Fever is due out a week from tomorrow, Dec. 1st, on Wild World. Track list below…


1. Ratcatcher
 2. Cutest
3. Donovan
4. Psychedelic
5. Donald
6. Alice
7. Cats and Rats
8. Metarie
9. Hellfire
10. Joe Brown
11. Culver City



Hilary Hawke plays Rodeo bar of 11.30

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The Big Apple is a bit sweeter because of the rich sounds of Hilary Hawke. The musician combines an extensive musical education in clarinet with her experimentation in classical guitar and a rustic skill of banjo playing. The result is a lil’ bit country, a lil’ bit rock ’n soul – a sound created all within the bustling city streets of Brooklyn. The emotional lyrics and soothing arrangements of Hawke’s debut release, “Goodwill,” showcase her broad talent. Hawke plucks and strums her way through the banjo to create music that ranges from dark and alluring to energetic and cheerful. Her piercing vocals blend effortlessly within the sharp, choppy notes of the banjo on each track of the CD. The jug band experience intensifies with the dynamic presence of her large background band (complete with such instruments as the fiddle, mandolin and trombone). It’s pure instrumental bliss. Hilary Hawke plays Rodeo bar of 11.30. – CM



SoulStice on The Blind Side

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Ashley Llorens (aka SoulStice) shares time between Chicago and Washington, and has released six albums or mixtapes in the last six years. His latest, Beyond Boarders (an “international concept album” featuring beats crafted by Belgian producer Sbe) has grabbed the attention of the folks at Warner Brothers who decided to include SoulStice on the soundtrack for the new movie “The Blind Side”. The movie features Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw and hits theaters on the 20th. SoulStice’s contribution is a brand new track made specifically for this movie with producer Mighty Wyte, and is called “That Thang”.