Woodferd, “We Are Dead”

Last night we finally had the chance to get on the trolley and check out a Sofar Sounds show. Not only did we enjoy seeing artists presented in such an intimate, respectful setting, we were also pleased by the thoughtful curation of the evening’s entertainment, featuring acts all at some level of new to Nashville. We dug the lineup enough to dedicate a post to each artist, starting with Minnesota transplant Woodferd.

Peter John McKeown employs himself, a few strategic loops and occasional friends to perform under the handle Woodferd. He made the jump from his hometown of St. Paul, MN to Nashville in September, and released his self-titled debut album two short months later. McKeown touches on themes such as death and the Earth as a whole through light, easy-swilling folk. Take a listen to "We Are Dead" to get a sense of this subtle juxtaposition. There was talk of a Nashville album release show in the works, so keep up with Woodferd here and here as details emerge. -Terra James-Jura