Viktor Longo (of Viking) premiers music video on 5.30 and plays Pete’s Candy’s Store on 05.28

Antifolk favorite/Sidewalk Café regular Viktor Longo (another artist to make our latest Best of NYC Emerging Artists list) usually records sardonic pop songs under the name Viking, but this year he has begun releasing what he describes as sci-fi glam rock under his own name. Longo switches between cooing "O Holy Night" like a small, bright bird and crackling and cawing out “I want to kill the feeling.” Some songs rely on minimal guitar grooves or pitter-patters on piano while others travel by way of synths, distortion, and bold beats. You can celebrate the premier of his music video "The Feeling" at Emerson House on May 30th and catch him at Pete’s Candy’s Store on May 28th. – Leora Mandel