The Quelle Source Headline at North Star Bar April 18

Since The Quelle Source started recording in their home studio, it has given them an opportunity to experiment with their own sound. On their newest album Enjoy the Ridge, they incorporate rapid drum beats, loud electric guitars, and screeching vocals to create songs with as much adrenaline as a first kiss. However, The Quelle Source still maintain the same type of perceptive lyrics found on their debut self-titled EP with lead singer Kevin Ryan’s vocals sounding like the Decemberist’s Colin Meloy on four hours of sleep and a few adderall pills (which is meant as a compliment). Each song is essentially a tribute to what they learned at St. Joe’s University, and I don’t mean in the classroom. Theirs is a story of late-night parties, youth, sweat, sex, booze, freedom, and rock ‘n roll. What else should your college years be about? Well, maybe more drugs. North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar St., 9pm, $8, 21+ Bennett