The Deli (the Producer, Not the Magazine)

We in the posting-about-cool-shit-online business have a term for some objects of our posting attention. That term is "super-ridiculous-slamdunk." Well, okay, yes; I might be the only one using that term (for now). But, finding a killer hip-hop producer out of Austin called The Deli (Twitter//Soundcloud) when you are yourself a music website out of Austin called The Deli, is a superdamnridiculousslamdunk, I think you can agree.

The Deli’s beats are smooth and creamy; they come at you like a room slowly filling with gold champagne, liquid and bright and soaking you up to your head in good feelings. The sampling and switches are clever, and use their influences with aplomb: I especially love the retro lo-fi vocal samples used to provide mood in tracks like "#shareair," which has a kinda 60s TV theme thing goin’ on that gets chopped up nicely into contemporary as fuck hip-hop. The silky jazz instrumentals and what sounds like a sample from a pitched-down, slowed-up Latin track in another new The Deli joint, "1Luv," are the kind-of samples that get me to automatically stop what I’m doing to close my eyes for a sec and start the head-nodding.

Get meta with us today and let us slice you off a couple pounds of The Deli here at The Deli. Here’s a track that’s about as new as new can get (9 hours old, at this posting). This one’s The Deli producing beats for East Coast spitter NA$TY, and we’ve got this track (which is already blowin’ up) all wrapped up and ready for you to take with you out the door. Have a nice one, and come on back in when you’re ready for more. The Deli will get you sorted.