Surprise Me Mr. Davis is a band and plays Union Hall on 04.16

Surprise Me Mr. Davis is a is an electric-folk band consisting of virginia based folksinger Nathan Moore, the members of NYC/Providence/Montreal avant-rock band The Slip and pianist Marco Benevento. They formed in 2003 in Boston while Moore was visiting The Slip at their apartment and the blizzard of 2003 hit. They were snowed in at the Barr brothers Mission Hill home for five days with a brand new stereo microphone and computer. This storm was the catalyst for a home recording session that cemented the collaboration. Since then, the four musicians have been keeping up with the tradition of meeting before blizzards, hurricanes or other natural disasters that force them in the company of each other and their instruments, as confirmed by the fact that some news channels are reporting that the Icelandic vulcanic ash cloud will hit Brooklyn exactly during the band’s performance at Union Pool on 04.16.