Some Professional Help releases glittering self-titled EP & plays Uptown Nightclub (5.24)

Every now and again, a special kind of artist falls onto our radar—one that is able to give nods to music history, while also successfully innovating and pushing boundaries. One such artist is Scott Alexander, whose new project Some Professional Help is ambitious to say the least. Backed by a rotating 16-person band, Alexander leads the eclectic soundscape with his knowledge of orchestral music (if you think that there isn’t enough bassoon in pop music, then you and Alexander may be cut from the same cloth.) The self-titled debut EP is a glittering, baroque take on orchestral pop. With vocals akin to that of Bright Eyes’ Conor Oberst and arrangements that whisper influences from Sufjan Stevens, this project shines as a standout singer-songwriter debut. Some Professional Help will be performing in Oakland at Uptown Nightclub on May 24. – Lilly Milman

Stream the full Some Professional Help EP below.