Show of the day: Erik Voeks and The Quivers at Vinyl Renaissance on 39th St

 As summer quickly approaches, there are a number of shows going on this weekend (luckily, our concert calendar will tell you where you should be!). But before the night gets kicked into full gear, go check out Erik Voeks and The Quivers (pictured above) doing an in-store performance at Vinyl Renaissance and Audio on 39th Street.

Voeks, the reigning power pop prince of Kansas City, kicks off the set at 6 pm with some of his solo tunes. He’s collaborated with about every reputable musician in Kansas City, and has shared the stage with numerous national acts. Being a veteran of the pop music scene, Voeks has mastered and trademarked the art of the hook and placement of dynamics. And since he doesn’t play solo shows around town too often, this set will be one to catch.

The Quivers’ first EP is our CD of the month, so we’re a bit biased. But still, this high-energy Motown-influenced rock group is not to be missed live. Vocalist and bassist Terra Peal commands the stage with a muscular vocal presence tinged with sex appeal and booming bass lines. Her partners in crime (Todd Grantham, Abe Haddad, and Bernard Dugan) drive and provide more color to a series of quick tunes. Tonight, the four piece will be performing songs off this EP as well as the one they just wrapped up recording on.


This is a free, all-ages show. Go early and buy some records at Vinyl Renaissance. Then you still have time to fit in a nap and go see some more great gigs tonight. How’s that for a plan?