Remembering The End with Prince Rama (+ DUMBO show 8.17)

‘Top Ten Songs Of The End Of The World’ (Paw Tracks) is the new project by Brooklyn-based psychedelic duo Prince Rama, that sees the Larson sisters curate the apocalypse from an imaginary past, by impersonating ten fictitious bands on the eve of destruction. ‘So Destroyed’, streaming below, is a first glimpse into the record, a gripping, hypnotic fusion of Indian music and new-wave/pop courtesy of ‘Rage Peace’, introduced as ‘the Bob Dylan of a whole generation of angry youth‘. An ambitious move, both aesthetcially and conceptually, this pseudo-compilation gives Prince Rama the freedom to explore a vast array of musical influences, thus giving us a lot to look forward to for the end of the year, even if our planet doesn’t collapse onto itself as promised by CGI-based fantasies.

Note that on November 6th, when the full album is released, Prince Rama will be off touring Europe with Animal Collective; before they leave though, you can catch a couple of NYC shows, the next one being on Friday (8.17) under The Archway, for a free DUMBO summer bash.