Released December 31st, Facsimiles’ New “Details” Refreshing Start to New Year

Listening to the entirety of Facsimiles’ latest EP, “Details,” is like watching a film that leaves you quiet and changed by its closing scene. Each track of this anti-folk, gentle pop album has its own feel, its own layering of electro reverberations and changing paces, all accompanied by Rob Voigt’s vocals, which range anywhere from a James Russel Mercer-esq charm to a Jeff Mangum-like backing, but quieter. Opening with the expansive track “Faint Signals,” we’re taken into the landscape of Voigt’s magic: the quiet reverberation of the baseline partners with a guitar plucked crisply as a harp. The next song we’re strummed into offers a much quieter reflection, a solid holding point for the center of the album. The last track, “One Thin String,” is a personal favorite. Filled with catchy little hooks and more of those late 90’s indie rock influences (there’s that Shins feel again), we’re provided an uplifting end to this quiet saga of an album. Michelle Kicherer, Associate Editor