Psychic Teens Opening for Nervosas at Great Indoors April 10

A healthy supply of menace buzzes through you while listening to Psychic Teens, demonstrating a ravenous street-lurking mode that escalates the suspense around every poorly lit street corner while conjuring up images of gloomy dungeons in classic horror flicks. Those ominous tones of heart rattling bass/drum and eerie slivers of guitar illustrate a haunting setting in which Larry Ragone’s commanding baritone serves as a guide. The dance inducing synth-driven propulsions of Decade and the sprinting punk rock of Dark Thoughts help to set the stage at the Great Indoors for the fully-loaded post-punk of Columbus, Ohio’s Nervosas, whose unrelenting clean bursts of intertwined instrumentations tie you in. Great Indoors, (Please contact one of the acts or venue for more info.), 7pm, $5, All Ages – Michael Colavita