Prowler Opening for Think About Life at KFN April 25

So I was watching this band play at SXSW at a Canadian showcase quietly enjoying the sounds of our neighbors from the north. These congenial albeit Texan men dressed to the nines in leather (the cowboy kind) were discussing something about what I can only assume was NRA-related when one of them said something along the lines of “I don’t even know who the president of Canada is”.  This caused a spunky young woman to turn on her heals and get all up in their grills about not knowing his name let alone the fact that it’s a “fucking Prime Minister, not a President”. At this point I am still keeping to myself, but this little firecracker insisted on making me part of the situation by asking if I knew who he was. “Of course I do,” I said (I have no idea), and she gave me a nod of recognition and made me agree on the fact that these dudes were “total fucking assholes”. The reason I bring this story up is because this ball of energy I speak of is the singer and bass player for Montreal-based Think About Life who are coming to JBs tonight to add some fun to this generally gloomy day. Local spastic funksters Prowler are going to be opening the show. They have a sound that seems to combine Modest Mouse-styled vocals over genre bending jams that touch on soul, funk, rock and straight dance. Allow for these guys to speak for themselves when they are sure to get some bizarre party started tonight. Johnny Brenda’s, 1201 N. Frankford Ave., 9pm, $10, 21+ (Photo by Ryan George) – Adam G.