Premiere: The Come On rage on “Checker Charlie,” play Bowery Electric 10.18

It’s hard in our contemporary technological landscape to appreciate all of the new music released on a daily basis; existing artists roll out albums with increasing speed, and it’s never been easier for new bands to release music independently. Sam Barron, frontman and guitarist of New York post-punk (or maybe post-garage?) trio The Come On can relate in a personal capacity – fueled by an anger of necessary breakneck art consumption, he wrote the band’s newest bop, “Checker Charlie,” simultaneously lashing out at society’s lessened attention spans and smartphone-induced social habits. Fittingly, “Checker Charlie” is a scorched-earth scream into the heart of darkness that is the recording industrial process, a track bolstered by discordant guitar riffs and sing-speak lyrics by both Barron and keyboardist-vocalist Mimi Oz. It’s an earworm rebuke of the present made stronger by the track’s reliance on classic rock and roll energy.

If you also share a strong desire to abandon social media and destroy your iPhone, you can catch The Come On at The Bowery Electric on 10.18. Before you do that though, watch their video for "Checker Charlie," directed by Dylan Greenberg, below. – Connor Beckett McInerney (@b_ck_tt)