Pony Pants Startin’ a Party in My Pants at Danger Danger Gallery Feb. 19

Delaware explants turned Philly three-piece, Pony Pants’ anthems are both parts genius and nonchalance. Frontwoman Emily J.K.’s vocals are a dead ringer throwback to Pretty Girls Make Graves’ The New Romance, serving up sentimental party tracks about best friends, lovers, booze and life. Coupled with backbeats and sick riffs by the Brothers Ellis, Pony Pants display near reckless abandon in their honesty and understated nostalgia. Their latest full-length, Til Death Do Us Party pays perfect homage to 20-something feelings and discernibly punk rock roots. Anyone who’s had the privilege of catching their antics live can attest to their enigmatic knack for rocking out, turning any crowd from apathetic to frenetic within minutes of their first song. So join the party in my pants (oops, I meant “with Pony Pants” or did I?)! Danger Danger Gallery, 5013 Baltimore Ave., 9pm, $5-10 donation, All Ages myspace.com/ponypantsDianca Potts