Pilam Lives to Rock Another Day and The Deli’s Best of Philly Showcase Finds a New Home at The OX April 24!

So we have great news! First off, Pilam is still alive and breathing. They survived the dreaded Penn council once again to rock another day/evening. However, they’ll be laying low for a little while, but will be back in the fall in full force, and hopefully sooner. We also found a new home for our Best of Philly Showcase. The kind folks at The Ox have opened up their home to us. The show will still take place on Saturday, April 24th w/Reading Rainbow, Grandchildren and Levee Drivers. We would love to see everyone out enjoying themselves that evening because we know that our staff certainly will! Cheers! The Ox, 2nd and Oxford (w/their permission), 8pm, $5, ALL AGES myspace.com/theoxphiladelphiaQ.D. Tran