Peel Dream Magazine brings imaginative shoegazer to Secret Project Robot on 12.02

Peel Dream Magazine is the brainchild of NYC-based musician Joe Stevens. His debut album, Modern Meta Physic, has soft fuzzy charm with a mellow, psych core. It’s an exploration of retro sounds and new age-y philosophies wrapped up into 13 hazy tracks. The band’s name hearkens back to the legendary BBC DJ John Peel, and its sound is also beholden to the past; part Velvet Underground and part Stereolab, PDM captures the warmth of nostalgia with its samples of old-school late tv programs, while transporting you to an entirely new era through its psych rock and lo-fi musings. In the best shoegazer tradition, Stevens’ airy vocal melodies are often barely audible in the mix, buried under the fuzz of the group’s distorted guitars. Listen below, and drift off. You can catch Peel Dream Magazine at Secret Project Robot on 12/2. Sara Nuta