NYC Year End Poll – Hip Hop Submission Results: Melissa Czarnik at #1

Who would’ve thought: the most badass thing a hip-hop artist can do right now is team up with a French jazz pianist and record at a residency from a 50 year-old Chateau? For Melissa Czarnik, it’s just one more notch in her boundary-busting belt. Recorded at Centre d’Art Marnay Art Center near France, ‘Non Merci’ is 13 tracks of hard-hitting hip-hop set to the cascading piano loops of pianist/composer Eric Mire. It’s as surprising a pairing as it is effective on killer tracks like ‘I Prefer’ and ‘Rummy.’ Hard-hitting and smooth at once, check out the artist when she plays tonight with Eric Mire, free at Brooklyn Stable. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)