NYC Bands on the rise: Twin Sister, Live at Mercury on 04.28

Twin Sister are yet another semi-electronic Brooklyn based home recording project. Unlike most other artists embracing the "lo-fi" aesthetics though, this band has a definite, noteworthy talent for sophisticated pop production values. Finding inspiration in the Beta Band’s crooked melodies and rhythms and in Stereolab’s looped melodic patterns, Twin Sister could be also described as a lo-fi, mellower version of Chairlift, with whom they share a relaxed and atmospheric approach to electro pop – and rather laid back female vocals. Speaking of which, singer Andrea Estella’s fragile, whispered tone – which for a change is not autotuned – is quite unique, contributing enormously to make this band sound like no other. Their best song is "All Around and Away We Go" – which is first of all an absolute pop gem, and then also a tune with a very intriguing arrangement, definitely owing something to Eno/Byrne’s "My Life in the Bush of Ghosts" electro-exotic experiments. The band is getting a lot of attention from the blogosphere – their EP "Color Your Life" got a 7.5 from Pitchfork a few weeks ago – you may want to check out their show at Mercury on 04.28.