NYC Artists on the rise: Writer lands residency at Pianos – last show on 01.29

Brooklyn based Californian brothers, Andy and Jayme Ralph work together to create a wall of sound which washes over your entire body when you listen to them – they named it Writer. Their music has definitely a thrashing quality, but not in a lo-fi way – every single element in their tracks sounds fuzzy but in a pleasing way. Among droning guitars and crashing drums they reveal tales of loves lost and hearts broken. Our favorite track "Miss Mermaid" (streaming below) sounds like an intriguing cross between The Walkmen’s slow burning and foggy instrumental intensity and vocal hooks reminiscent of indie pop masters like MGMT. These talented lads landed a residency at Pianos in January, we recommend you go check out on their last show on January 29. See their video for single "Cash for Gold" here– Julia Kwamya

This song was added to our Deli curated SoundCloud playlist gathering all the best tracks from emerging NYC Indie bands – listen to it here (it’s awesome).