ManoftheDown Makes Beats that Are Ready to Break Out

Our Artist of the Month poll is just about wrapped, and as of this post, the pack leader is an Austin beatmaker that goes by ManoftheDown, also known as Man-of-the-Downtrodden also known as MoTD. Hell let’s be straight, this guy has led the poll from a few minutes after it was dropped until this point. And we have some sick contenders in this list.

There’s not a lot surprising in the fact that people dig ManoftheDown’s sound, a complex production that uses some real nice instrumental samplin’ and slacks not one bit on the melody side of things either. Bass comes in huge, with ManoftheDown creator Eli Good putting his own signature spin on it that makes it feel fresh and fine like good bass should. Few moments are left to just be a plain beat in these tracks; Good’s always tossin’ in something new, messin’ with the mix, doin’ some Aphex Twin style breaks fuckery to play around in your eardrums and lock in the Good Feeling. You’ve heard beat music, and yeah sometimes there’s not a lot to differentiate one guy from the next, even if it’s pretty good shit. ManoftheDown leaves me with none of those doubts or nitpicks. The beats here grip ya, ya start noddin’ your head, and you just ride it all the way down to the last second with a smile. We make good beats here in Austin. ManoftheDown makes some of the best, and there ain’t much that can be said against that. If y’like what you hear here (and if y’dont, an ENT doctor might not be a bad idea), get more over at ManoftheDown’s Soundcloud page or Facebook page, where he’s a fairly frequent poster.