Magnetic Dog Wants You to Feel Good at D!D!G July 17

Jordan Burgis (formerly of The Furniture and Tiananmen Squared) will bring new 4-tracking 80s pop project Magnetic Dog to Danger! Danger! Gallery tonight. Accompanied sometimes by Folklore’s Jimmy Hughes, Scott Churchman, and/or other local players, Burgis will kick off the evening with his glammy Elliot-Smith-on-ecstasy rock. He delivers extremely catchy experimental power pop found in his DIY recordings of tunes like the quirky and clever “Predictably Callous Alice” and twangy Velvet Underground-tinged “Cut In Line” from his upcoming album Electric Worrier. His sound is an enjoyable clash of generations. Magnetic Dog will be supporting Atlanta’s Little Tybee and Grand Prize Winners From Last Year as well as Iowa’s The Poison Control Center. Danger! Danger! Gallery 5013 Baltimore Ave., 8pm, $10, All Ages – Jules Friedland