Live Saturday: Psychomagic, The Rich Hands, Mean Jeans and Paul Collins Beat

If you still haven’t had a chance yet to swing by the Know’s massive, ten-day, ten-year anniversary party, you might want to make it a priority to attend Saturday night for some of the best rock and roll our fair city (and country) has to offer. Starting off the night is Psychomagic, whose psychedelic jams juxtapose against a surf-punk energy that’s sure to drive the room into a frenzy. Their recent release, Bad Ideas, captures this energy as best as any record can, yet to fully experience the garage-rock soul behind these songs you need to hear them live.

San Antonio’s Rich Hands are up next, and if their irresistible brand of power-pop is half as explosive in person as it is on their last release, Out of my Head, everyone will be in for a hell of a time. After the dust has cleared following Rich Hands’ set, Mean Jeans will keep the party going with their uncontrollable punk rock spirit, which I can only describe as a most cheerful riot. If at this point, the first three bands haven’t completely destroyed the Know’s tired building, then the legendary Paul Collins Beat will take the stage and show you exactly what 40+ years of experience crafting pure rock and roll music can produce. Help The Know ring in 10-years of slinging cheap beer and curating raw underground talent, by making this show your Saturday night experience, you won’t regret it.  

Written by Ben Toledo

Photo by Todd Walberg