Live Review: Toxic Zombie Album Release at Hawthorne Theatre, 4/17


"We will eat, we will eat, we will eat your brains!" screamed the horror-rock band Toxic Zombie to the crowd at Hawthorne Theatre last Saturday night. The band was there celebrating the release of their new CD Poison The Airwaves. This is the group’s first record under the label Dizaster, and the Hawthorne party marked the beginning of their national tour.

Seeped in zombie lore, rock and ’80s punk, witnessing a TZ show is the most fun you can have legally. If you’re curious about the band’s moniker, you movie buffs out there might recall a B-horror movie of the same name. The film is about a group of people growing cannabis who inadvertently get contaminated with a chemical, which turns them into anthropophagical zombies. Much like the zombies in the film, the group gnarled and scratched at the audience on Saturday, wooing them with their living dead attire, sweet rockabilly sound and oh-so-hot zombie go-go back up singers.

As if that wasn’t entertaining enough, the band had the haunted hotties the Unchained Girls at the show leading the crowd into chants and trivia. The famous NW horror host Uncle Eerie brought his clan of ghoulish burlesque gals to keep the fun going in between bands, and Ditch Digger opened the show with some head-banging rock. Railer closed with even more rock to blow our minds.

Toxic Zombie is one of a kind and you won’t see any other show quite like it. Some might even say they give a KILLER performance.

Deanna Uutela