Live Review: Motel Aviv @ The Parish 2.12


For 35 minutes, Motel Aviv turned back the clock on the fickle Parish hipsters to a time when bands like the Smiths, New Order and the Clash ruled the airwaves. Effusing a polished, mid-80s pop radio sound sans keyboards, Aviv delivered a sweaty, danceable set. A subtly shifting blend of bright guitar chords, simple, energetic drum parts, a deep, clean and hollow JJ Brunner-sounding bass, and Morrissey/Bono-esque vocals kept the show from veering into a saccharine monotony. 

The fans who managed to overcome their scenester posturing and dance had a smashing good time. It’s a shame Aviv hasn’t acquired a wider following here in Austin. They’re absolutely professional in sound and showmanship. These kids are stylish pop song writers, vivacious live performers and sartorially consistent with their music without seeming pretentious. If Motel Aviv can find their audience, they have the potential to be the next Killers.

–London Ferguson

[Ed.: Motel Aviv have a new 10-song LP in the works & expected out sometime this spring…]