Linear Views

Like a tortured replica of Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Syllable Section present a warped and damaged brand of pop. Their debut album, Linear Views, sounds like a demonic, drug induced, ‘60’s pop binge played in reverse, or perhaps a traditional pop tune cut-up, taped back together, and then looped. What ever it is, this psychedelic mess, the listener is taken on a journey that changes them and they are never really the same.

Vocalist Mathew Marquardt makes Kevin Barnes look sane as he places his falsetto whine on tracks about “Normalcy”, loneliness, mood changes, and other craziness. You will feel like you have heard pieces of this before, but never be able to zero in on melody or rhythm. There is beauty in these tracks, but it is being repeatedly strangled to death. The Syllable Section is both traumatic and enjoyable.