Let It Be Already says The Due Diligence

Looking back, The Due Diligence‘s debut album ‘I Will Wreck Your Life‘ seems like a delicate mise en bouche for what the band had in store, a raw power (so to speak) they unleashed as they let their music flow harsh, unpolished on the five tracks of their follow-up EP ‘Let It Be Already‘, which they released mid-July. Harsh perhaps, but no lo-fi soup, none of that ‘noise for the sake of noise‘; instead, a jam-like tease of a rock’n’roll record, casually swaying over soul and folk undertones, one to get you hooked at ease on the screeching guitars or the dandy, hiccupy rhythm of a boogie, just rough enough to strike below the waist; after all, rock’n’roll… it’s about getting the crowds off, isn’t it? Speaking of which, any new shows coming our way guys? – Tracy Mamoun