LEPT (Zula Studio Project) Releases Eponymous Krautrock EP

​If ever Wes Anderson produces a film about space exploration (and I wouldn’t put it past him) I hope LEPT does the entire score. Their music, like this hypothetical movie, is whimsical in a measured way. Its playful affectations melt away to reveal something far more substantial, suggesting that a lot of thought and effort went into its production. This should come as no surprise, considering that LEPT is the brain child of two members of Zula, (Henry Terepka and Pablo Eluchans) and E Scott Lidner, proprietor of Studio Radio 45, a recording studio and podcast. Entirely a studio project, the songs on the eponymous LEPT EP take on the familiar trappings of krautrock, and share Zula’s fascination with rhythm, credit to percussionist Eluchans. Reorient, the EPs third song is built upon his poly-rhythmic architecture, with undulating synth and bass passages weaved throughout, giving it an organic feel. It’s a shame these songs won’t be performed live, but you can catch Zula with Palm on May 3rd at (le) poisson rouge and listen to the entire LEPT EP here. – @emilioherce