Kydd Jones Is Who He Is

Hip-hop should be as synonymous with Austin as any other genre of music. You might have noticed a bit more of it here at The Deli lately; that’s my fault. Hey there, I’m Trevor Talley, and I’ve taken over as editor of The Deli Austin. While we’re certainly gonna keep pumpin’ out the good rock, folk and whatever else jams this city can create here at the ATX blog, one thing I’m doing as editor is to widen the focus of The Deli a bit and make sure that the good shit of all kinds that’s coming out of the 512 gets its due.

In today’s case, I’d like to kindly direct your e-gaze at Kydd, aka Kydd Jones, a bright comet shootin’ out of the beats and rhymes system in this town. I went back today and found the first piece I did that mentioned Kydd, back when I was working the hip-hop and electronic beat for Red River Noise, and in that review (an RJD2 concert Kydd opened for) I said the man was a "true rapper, with a lazer-accurate flow." Two years later, Kydd has only gotten better. As a producer and a rapper, Kydd has quite obviously been doing work, watchin’ where hip-hop is going and making sure he’s right there with his own twist on it. "Who Are You" is the right question for the world to be asking about Kydd, and the snakelike winding of this slow-burner with trap snares and a stoned melody answers that question. He’s goddamn Kydd Jones, one of the best artists in the ATX. I said back in that 2012 joint for RRN that Kydd could get big in the future, and this could well be that time. Keep your good ear on him, and keep your eye on The Deli for more of what you’ve loved in the past, and a little bit more. — Trevor Talley @defenderdefends