Jeff Litman releases video with show at Bitter End on 06.26

Jeff Litman is having some trouble getting older… he’s spying on his beautiful (and married) ex-girlfriend in his new record ‘Outside,’ taking reckless chances, and rolling in the dirt ’til Someone Got Hurt’. The album finds Litman attempting to move on from the relationship that was the focus of his last record. But like he says in the album closer: ‘Time Heals Nothing.’ Time does however, seem to produce some solid tunes…

Sounding sometimes like Bright Eyes, and sometimes like a mix of Elvis Costello and Tom Petty, Litman borrows liberally from the ghosts of confessional singer-songwriters past, while still retaining a deeply personal reality channeled by his own experiences in and around NYC. Or at least I assume that’s what he’s referring to when discussing chance encounters with the ‘Girl Down I95.’

Check out his new record ‘Outside’ here and see him when he plays at The Bitter End with Mark Radcliffe on June 26, in occasion of the release of his new video for single "Over and Over" (streaming below). – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets) – This record was submitted digitally to The Deli here.