Interview with Will Dailey

Will Dailey
Photos by Michael Spencer

Boston’s Will Dailey  has his roots planted in classic rock and the local Boston music scene but his ambitions are high and successful. Dailey sat down with the Deli to talk about Neil Young,Brendan Boogie’s Cover-up, and how to cultivate your first musical influences.

Dailey is playing the Somerville Theater with Tim Gearan and Dwight and Nicole on February 5th for Dwight and Nicole’s CD release, Signs. Take my word for it. This show is a once in a lifetime show. I bet all my jellybeans it will be an intergalatically stellar night.

Deli: How would you describe your music?

Will Dailey: That’s always the hard question, how would you describe your music? It’s probably best described as where I want to take it and not where it’s been. Writing songs and performing them makes me happiest and I’d say the music I write is a reflection of the music that has always influenced me in a way.

–Read the whole interview by Meghan Chiampa HERE