Hiss Golden Messenger release EP “Southern Grammar”

Following their 2014 record, “Lateness of Dancers”, Hiss Golden Messenger released an EP entitled “Southern Grammar” this past February. The band began in 2007 as southern duo of North Carolina transplant M.C. Taylor and New Yorker Scott Hirsch, but has taken many incarnations over the years, often pulling in friends/indie folk beloveds from Mountain Man, Bon Iver, Small Pond, and Megafaun. Their influences span mostly across the Southern/Western genre board including elements of country, jazz, bluegrass, gospel, blues, and our personal favorite: swamp pop. During this collection of songs our narrator shakes a divine hand, names “the rules” before a choir, meets with some smooth saxophone lines, and discusses the southern grammar of family. Check out below "Brother, Do You Know the Road?" – third and last song in the EP. – Leora Mandel