Grace London Tops Our Open Submission Poll

Grace London has come out on top of our open submissions poll for the Deli Artist of the Year, and while we still have a few rounds to go before the final Austin Artist of the Year is named, we figured it was high time we covered Grace again.

It’s been about a year since we last showcased the singer-songwriter, meaning she’s now 15, and in that one year Grace has only grown more visible and exciting in the local scene. It’s also seen the release of her album Brains, the title of which refers to something London obviously has more of than your typical noggin-full. Lyrics-wise, she’s hitting the pen to paper like a veteran, and vocally you can hear a lot of Jenny Lewis in Grace’s new songs. With a Beck cover on Brains ("Girl Dreams"), that era of 90s/00s indie folk seems like an appropriate touchstone when it comes to the influences on London’s latest work.

The Deli is here to bring you the work of musicians before they blow up, and as a teenager topping lists like our open submissions poll, Grace London is just that. Keep an eye on this space for continuing coverage leading up to our announcement of our Artist of the Year, and in the meantime, check out the newest work from this top contender who is just at the beginning of her career.