First Annual Edible Onion Fest at DDG July 23

Edible Onion Fest 2011

Ever since its inception, Edible Onion has followed in the footsteps of DIY record labels like Badmaster Records and Punk Rock Payroll, delivering several great albums adorned with equally great and unique craftsmanship, like hand-sewn silk-screen record jackets and hand-painted labels. And now, for the first time, 10 Edible Onion artists and friends will gather under one roof to perform for its very own festival at Danger Danger Gallery tonight (FYI: If you’re worried about the heat, DDG installed air conditioing in the main room–yay! As for the basement, well, it may just be like any DIY basement show). It’s a line-up of extraordinary creative proportions: Br’er and Scallion will be rekindling the chemistry they gained from traveling together during a spring tour (look out for their upcoming split cassette release); Andrew Keller will showcase his minimalist pop solo project Snow Caps before joining the rest of Hermit Thurshes to play tunes from their prolific album, Slight Fountain; A Stick and A Stone (a.k.a. Elliott Harvey) just might preview the collaboration she’s been doing with Oubliette Ensemble cellist Jessica Marcus; and Power Animal’s Keith Hampson will be performing songs from his newest EP, Exorcism, during a rare solo performance. Throw in sets from Eskimeaux, The New Heaven and the New Earth, Healing Trapeze, and The Horror, The Horror, and your evening will be jammed packed with experimental music that you’d expect from an Edible Onion Music Festival! Extra treat: Donate more than $5 at the door, and you’ll receive the label’s signed comp, A Cure for the Broken-HeartedDanger Danger Gallery, 5013 Baltimore Ave., 6:30pm, $5-$10 Donation, All Ages -Bill McThrill